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Unpolished Fidelity release party
Urbsounds Unpolished fidelity releases on 20th of August, the release party is happening at same day in Bratislava
`s a4. Join us! FB event.

Urbsounds Unpolished Fidelity
New release Urbsounds`Unpolished fidelity. The compilation of Slovakian electronic music artists Daniel Kordik, NDS, Vrtačky po desáté hodině, Makkatu, Monika Subrtova, Dead Janitor, Hlukár, Urbanfailure, Maraki, RBNX.
With stunning design and art by Boris Vitázek
Mastering by Adam Matej
and text by Lucia Udvardyova and Peter Dolník
Find more about the release here.
You will receive a vinyl LP limited to 100 pieces (marbled green or black by your choice) and a download code for the digital version of the album.
Released 20th of August 2022.
24.20€ exc. 23% VAT