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Tag: bartek
270° by Bartek | Digital + Cass
270° by Bartek. Machine music dedicated to “the lowest form of existence” (according to the first scientific research in 1749) – the sloths! |||||| Specifically to my close friend whose spirit animal is a sloth and also to my tribe Lazy Bastards, who are my best sloths {watch out for pronunciation / not sluts, no}…
Bartek – Cpal Nanuq | [ / ] no. 56
New record by Bartek. From Bratislava with bang. KIDS FRIENDLY MACHINE MUSIC All music by BartekMastered by RBNXCover art and design Lucia Simkova Cpal Nanuq by Bartek The cassette was co-released and manufactured by
[/] no. 27 | Techno Chewing Satisfunction
Techno Chewing Satisfunction was released as a part of Techno chewing satisfunction event in FUGA/Bratislava 15.12.2012, Urbsounds Label no. 27, cd is limited to 56 pieces Techno Chewing Satisfunction | [/] no. 27 by urbsounds slovak press text and info