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Tag: abstract
Dead Janitor – Pendulum | [ / ] no. 53
Dead Janitor presents his new album Pendulum after the steadily produced Medusa LP in 2019. Dead Janitor – Pendulum In Pendulum Dead Janitor uses an arsenal of pixelated breakbeats, stuttering samples, and soundscapes to create an adventurous form of polyrhythmic electronica. Your ears will be pleased by complex IDM experiences that reveal hidden patterns and…
Venta Protesix – Existential Dread Simulator | [ / ] no. 51
The new album Existential Dread Simulator by Venta Protesix will be released on the 30th of November. Enjoy the abstract digital mayhem. Cover art by Castell Lanko. Existential Dread Simulator by Venta Protesix Video by Fra Zedde.
Monika Subrtova – Omnia | [ / ] no. 50
Monika Subrtova is the London based, Slovakian electronica producer who is also half of the Jamka projects with Daniel Kordik. This EP marks her debut solo outing, offering another facet to her work beyond the mechanoid chimeras of techno, industrial muscularity, and polyvalent modular synthesis found within Jamka’s lauded works. Omnia EP An extension of…
Urbsounds label night and TMA release party
The TMA release party is happening. Kragrowargkomn releases his album TMA on 28th of March. But the release party was canceled, this is the new date. Join us! “TMA” – darkness, gloom, void… As such, darkness does not exist — it is merely a lack or absence of light. Abstract phenomena such as darkness or…
Urbsounds label night Zilina
Our next Urbsounds label night is hosted by Stanica Žilina-Záriečie. Party will happen on the 8th of November 2019. We invited a mixture of local artists. All skilled sound performers. Urbsounds label night Zilina will be a great journey Makkatu will play his techno that echoes experimental powers, movement through beats, detailed listening, clustered sonic…
Urbsounds label night and Loneliness and Deviancy release party
Our upcoming Urbsounds label night and Loneliness and Deviancy release party will happen on the 18th of October 2019 in a4/Bratislava. As usual, we invited a mixture of an international and local artist to make the night musically interesting and fun. Loneliness and Deviancy release party The strange laptop noiser from the South of Italy…
Venta Protesix – Loneliness And Deviancy
The new album Loneliness And Deviancy by VENTA PROTESIX was released on the 18th of October 2019. Loneliness And Deviancy | [ / ] no. 46 by Venta Protesix What happened to Venta Protesix? In this new album, the sound seems completely different from his previous works out for Urbsounds. It looks like Venta Protesix…
Urbanfailure live @K.A.L. stage/Brutal Assualt – video
Urbanfailure plays his liveact at K. A. L. stage at Brutal Assault festival.
Medusa reviewed in
Slovenský producent Dead Janitor získal za jedenáct let svého působení na scéně i mezinárodní uznání a na novém albu Medusa přináší zcela vlastní originální zvuk. Výsledkem soudobé IDM elektroniky mixované s industriální špínou a syrovostí je zvukově pestré album, které přináší temné, minimalistické i taneční okamžiky. Dead Janitor debutoval v roce 2008 DIY albem The…